Glacial Augment Rune Lol Funny Moments

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"Smart" Keystone Chances

Dark Harvest Dark Harvest Soul Bonuses


Omnistone's Omnistone's best use scenario is not maximizing the potential of every keystone, but rather to dispense the keystones you use least effectively in order to gain access to your most efficient ones. As such, if there are keystones you can roll, but cannot dispense due to a champion's inherent kit design (e.g Karthus Karthus , or Anivia Anivia , whose kits do not allow much use of auto attacks), Omnistone is most likely to not be the best fit for you.

General tips:

  • Some champions cannot dispense of Arcane Comet Arcane Comet easily, such as Trundle Trundle , because they do not have any basic abilities that apply Disintegrate.png spell effects. It is advised to purchase items that trigger spell effects (such as Stridebreaker Stridebreaker ) to assist in applying these keystones.
  • If you have a passive effect which's cooldown or power is improved by landing basic attacks, such as Aatrox's Aatrox's Deathbringer Stance Deathbringer Stance or Vi's Vi's Denting Blows Denting Blows , rolling Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo or Hail of Blades Hail of Blades can help you lower their cooldown or apply the effect more frequently.
  • Champions with Bladework.png attack resets, such as Jax's Jax's Empower Empower or Camille's Camille's Precision Protocol Precision Protocol can best make use of Hail of Blades Hail of Blades and Press the Attack Press the Attack , as they can use their empowered auto attacks as a means to quickly dispense both keystones.
  • The more Stun icon.png immobilizing crowd control you have in your kit, the better you are at using Omnistone Omnistone . This is because the longer a target is locked down, the easier it is to dispense a keystone on them, regardless of how optimal it may be. The same holds true if you have Stun icon.png crowd control that lasts for a long duration, such as Morgana's Morgana's Dark Binding Dark Binding .
  • Smart Selection:
    • Keystones that are rolled as a result of Smart Selection (such as Dark Harvest Dark Harvest ) refresh the table of keystones, allowing you to chain keystones.

If you are a Melee role.png melee champion:

  • For melee champions, Prototype: Omnistone Prototype: Omnistone has a [5-3] second scaling cooldown. The following buffs persist long enough that they can help you proc other keystones, empower subsequent keystones, as well as impact Smart Selection:

If you are a Ranged role.png ranged champion:

  • The following keystones will empower any in-flight projectiles fired as a result of a Basic Attack.png basic attack, or a spell that applies On-hit icon.png On-Hit effects to apply relevant stacks, or proc relevant keystones:
  • If you are a ranged champion with a global ability with a projectile, such as Ezreal's Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage Trueshot Barrage , Senna's Senna's Dawning Shadow Dawning Shadow , or Draven's Draven's Whirling Death Whirling Death , an Omnistone Omnistone -granted Predator Predator can be cast while the spell is in-flight, allowing its next hit against a champion to apply the bonus damage.
  • Most Mage icon.png Mage champions generally do not attack with enough frequency to efficiently dispense of auto attack based keystones. Those that do generally have some inherent interaction with auto attacks, such as Lux's Lux's Illumination Illumination , Twisted Fate's Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck Stacked Deck , or Orianna's Orianna's Clockwork Windup Clockwork Windup .
    • Champions like the abovementioned can purchase Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth to further assist in dispensing of said keystones.
  • For Marksman icon.png Marksman champions, Omnistone's efficiency relies on several factors:
    • If you are primarily spell-focused, or use a large mixture of spells and auto attacks, such as Jhin Jhin , Senna Senna , Kog'Maw Kog'Maw , Varus Varus , or Kai'Sa Kai'Sa , it is best to quickly dispense of inefficient keystones such as Summon Aery Summon Aery and Predator Predator by using your longer range abilities. This increases the likelihood of rolling much more efficient keystones, such as Hail of Blades Hail of Blades , Electrocute Electrocute , and Arcane Comet Arcane Comet .
    • If you primarily rely on Basic Attack.png basic attacking to deal your damage, such as Vayne Vayne , Tristana Tristana , On-hit icon.png On-Hit or Critical strike chance icon.png crit Varus Varus / Kog'Maw Kog'Maw / Senna Senna , it is advised to save your abilities that apply Disintegrate.png spell damage to dispense of Arcane Comet Arcane Comet . This is because these champions tend to cast their spells less frequently, or have less spells that apply spell effects, which is the only way Arcane Comet Arcane Comet can be properly dispensed.
  • If you are an Controller icon.png Enchanter, or a Support icon.png Support champion with an ability that empowers allies, such as Nami Nami , Sona Sona , or Bard Bard , it is advised to take Revitalize Revitalize , as the increased Heal power icon.png heal and shield power boosts the likelihood that you will roll Summon Aery Summon Aery , whose shield is then boosted by the aforementioned rune.



Patch History

V11.23 - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
  • Replaced by First Strike First Strike .
  • Bug Fix: Champions may no longer trigger Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying several times in one rotation.
  • Bug Fix: Omnistone-granted Predator Predator now has a proper cooldown regardless of when the user upgrades its boots.
  • Now displays how much damage it has dealt and how many buffs it has granted. Buffs include: Lethal Tempo's Lethal Tempo's attack speed, Fleet Footwork's Fleet Footwork's Haste, Press the Attack's Press the Attack's Vulnerable, Conqueror's Conqueror's Enrage, Hail of Blades' Hail of Blades' attack speed, Predator's Predator's Haste, Phase Rush's Phase Rush's Haste, Summon Aery's Summon Aery's shield, Aftershock's Aftershock's resistances, or Glacial Augment's Glacial Augment's slow.
  • Increased chance to be given Predator Predator when not near enemy champions, and less likely to get it when in combat with nearby enemy champions.
  • Increased chance to be given Dark Harvest Dark Harvest when near low health enemy champions.
  • Increased chance to be given Hail of Blades Hail of Blades when near low health enemy champions and building attack speed or attack damage.
  • Increased chance to be given Conqueror Conqueror when both you and enemies have high health, further increased chance for Melee role.png melee champions.
  • Increased chance to be given Fleet Footwork Fleet Footwork if you are low health and below level 9.
  • Increased chance to be given Glacial Augment Glacial Augment if you have a Glacial item off cooldown.
  • Increased chance to be given Summon Aery Summon Aery when you have healing/shielding power and are near a low health ally who is in combat.
V9.23 - November 21st Hotfix
V9.23 - Added
  • Replaces Kleptomancy Kleptomancy .
  • Inspiration icon.png Inspiration Keystone rune.
    • Periodically gain a single use of another random keystone. Once a keystone is rolled, it can't be rolled again until only three options are left, at which point the table resets (you won't get the keystone you just used, though).
    • Gain a new keystone 8 − 4 (based on level) seconds after using the last. (Increased to 12 − 8 (based on level) seconds for Ranged role.png ranged champions).
    • Gain a new keystone while out of combat after 40 seconds of not using a keystone.
    • Your current keystone shows up to the right of your health bar. All ten players can see it.
    • Dark Harvest Dark Harvest souls persist after you get a different keystone and affect all your other keystones. Grasp of the Undying's Grasp of the Undying's health persists after you get a different keystone, too.
    • Available Keystones: Press the Attack Press the Attack , Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo , Fleet Footwork Fleet Footwork , Conqueror Conqueror , Summon Aery Summon Aery , Arcane Comet Arcane Comet , Phase Rush Phase Rush , Electrocute Electrocute , Predator Predator , Dark Harvest Dark Harvest , Hail of Blades Hail of Blades , Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying , Aftershock Aftershock , and Glacial Augment Glacial Augment .
    • Predator Predator is only available to champions who have already purchased boots. Dark Harvest Dark Harvest souls amplify the effects of all keystones. Aftershock Aftershock is only available to champions who have learned a basic spell that can trigger it.
    • Does not re-roll if in-combat.
    • Keystones cycle pseudo randomly - you cannot repeat a keystone for 5 rolls after it has been used.
    • Entering the fountain will reroll your current keystone.


  1. Captain Gameplay on Omnistone Smart Selection
  2. Captain Gameplay on Ominstone Dark Harvest Scaling on ARAM


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