Can I Use Vimeo to Upload My Holiday Videos to Youtube

Article summary

Read the article to learn what Vimeo is and how brands can employ the platform for marketing purposes.


  1. What is Vimeo?
  2. Is Vimeo good for marketing?
  3. How to build a Vimeo marketing strategy?
  4. Handy tips and tricks for good Vimeo marketing

YouTube can experience on the acme of the video content world equally the second large search engine behind Google with great SEO features and millions of daily viewers. Yes, some users mutter about the affluence of advertizing in clips. Others worry about poor privacy controls on the platform.

Anyway, while people hit the bell to be notified about another update, businesses of all sizes and forms from different niches keep uploading videos on YouTube.

However, at that place is a reasonable alternative to this platform. What does information technology offering for brands? Say, the higher video quality, more than options for content customization, and features to supplant and update clips without breaking their links.

Ladies and gentlemen, Vimeo is coming on the phase!

What is Vimeo?

Information technology is a video-sharing platform that offers software as a service to create, share, and promote high-quality clips for companies and video content creators. For now, Vimeo boasts 230 million monthly active users and 1.ix million paid subscribers.

It was launched in 2004 past a grouping of filmmakers, and that explains why motion designers, picture show artists, and animation creators are obsessed with the platform. Being advertising-free and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-focused on video quality, Vimeo is the all-time place to show your artistic artistry to the world.

Brands, however, harness the platform, likewise. Unlike classic video ads based on hackneyed notwithstanding inspiring stories and catchy taglines, Vimeo branded clips look like nominees from shortlists of contained moving picture festivals.

For example, picket this fascinating brusk picture (information technology's really difficult to telephone call information technology but 'video') sponsored past Marin Bikes, a Californian bicycle manufacturer.

Changing Seasons feat. Marker Matthews | MTB RAW from Scott Bell Visuals on Vimeo.

Then, take a look at the comment department to understand who the local audience is.

The comment section is on Vimeo

Screenshot from Vimeo

Yeah, these guys are true video maniacs who keep their eyes on every pixel of your clip. Meanwhile, don't rush dorsum to more than coincidental YouTube and TikTok bloggers. Information technology is worth trying out Vimeo business tools.

Is Vimeo good for marketing?

It seems yous need to hire Steven Spielberg earlier taking the first steps on Vimeo, only this platform is affordable fifty-fifty for companies with small marketing budgets. The problem could be something else.

Vimeo like everything in the world is not flawless. Comparing the platform to YouTube, you can find some inconveniences:

  • lower visibility,

  • smaller viewership,

  • ban on ad,

  • lower ranking on Google,

  • storage limits.

However, Vimeo beats YouTube, offering companies more advanced features for content creation and more intelligent and thoughtful viewers for their clips. Not surprisingly, many brands publish their business stories there.

The platform has 2 special categories for business content: Ads and Commercials and Branded content. It means your company-related clips would expect seamless there.

Here are five main branded content types on the platform:

1. Cinematic commercials

If you want to build brand awareness by using professional filmmakers, Vimeo is the best place to publish your promo clips. For instance, the piece of furniture manufacturer Floyd presents its branding story and products in this 3-minute video filled with beautiful details of Floyd'due south items. The appearance of two co-founders of the company humanizes the brand. Yes, it is all the same a commercial merely masterfully staged.

The Floyd Ethos from RATHAUS on Vimeo.

2. Backside-the-scenes videos virtually the manufacturing or cosmos process

The Vimeo creators manage to turn clips most making videos into individual masterpieces. Equally a event, watching backside-the-scenes of branded video content becomes almost more than exciting than watching an original clip.

Since creating a commercial for Antipodal required makeshift and sophisticated equipment, its writer decided to make the second film most the filming where the brand name was mentioned again. Moreover, at that place is a better chance that viewers want to watch both of the clips.

Converse - Time Spider web BTS from Eric Schleicher on Vimeo.

three. Company culture presentations

On Vimeo, in that location are tons of clips dedicated to big and modest businesses from different countries. Many of them prove companies through building and enhancing their HR make. For instance, this clip for theDesk, a co-working infinite in Hong Kong, is all about people and the company'due south corporative civilisation, not a concern and competitive advantages.

Welcome to theDesk from SCENE 852 on Vimeo.

Additionally, Vimeo works well for employee tutorials and client testimonials.

four. Effect announecements

Vimeo attracts 3D artists and motion design professionals, too. That is why you tin can find hundreds of stunningly cute animations there. Many of them are announcements of business or industry events as these titles filmed to Interruption Fest 2021, the international independent, industry-driven motion of video creators.

Break Fest 2021 Opening Titles by TheMill from Pause Fest on Vimeo.

5. Live streaming content

Finally, companies tin can use Vimeo equally a live streaming platform during webinars, online classes, product launches, virtual conferences, and panels. Vimeo offers custom registration page cosmos, preview testing features before going live, and an interactive chat for your viewers during an issue. You can simulcast your live stream on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitch, and YouTube without ads. Broadcasting in full HD is available, too.

How to build a Vimeo marketing strategy?

Harnessing this video platform, yous demand to ready a realistic plan. Vimeo is quite specific in terms of the audience and content distribution. It is better to include it in your overall video marketing strategy.

Prepare upwards your marketing goals

Firstly, ascertain tasks that Vimeo can help you tackle. Here are possible ways of using the platform for marketing:

  • Make clips to publish. Amidst other things, Vimeo is an online video editor. So you lot can use information technology every bit a powerful video marketing tool. Afterward registration on the platform, yous tin upload your clip, make a video from scratch, get live, record your screen, or create a webinar.

  • Observe professional video creators to interact with. Vimeo is primarily a big customs of videographers and animators who eagerly watch and comment on each other'south work. You can consider information technology as a database of video artists with a bang-up portfolio.

  • Launch a Vimeo channel with branded content. Just like YouTube, you tin use the platform as a regular social medium to spread your ideas and showcase your products and services. You tin can't wait a large number of subscribers here, but if your company refers to filmmaking, blueprint, animation, or ad industry, yous should join the community. On the flip side, in that location is the White House channel on Vimeo, so do non hesitate to try it out anyhow!

Check if your competitors are already on Vimeo

Being a pioneer from your niche, you can experiment with video formats and topics on the platform. If your competition is ahead of you, pay attention to what they are doing on Vimeo and how users feel most information technology.

Yous can rail your competitors with Awario. The social listening tool scans blogs, news sites, and pop social platforms, including YouTube and Vimeo, to observe the keywords or brand names yous set upwardly every bit alerts. So, it measures and shows the accomplish and sentiment of these mentions. Information technology likewise gives you a hint of whether Vimeo works well for your manufacture or not.

Have a await at how to prepare up your first alert in Awario:

Analyze the Vimeo viewers preferences

Deciding on to do Vimeo marketing or not, you besides need to meet the platform's habitats. Notice out what topics they dearest and what videos they binge most.

Firstly, take a await at 'Staff pick' content in a category related to your industry (Travel, Sports, Animation, etc.). These clips are handpicked and promoted by Vimeo. Ordinarily, the videos earn more than viewership and engagement from the audience and prepare the trends for creators.

The Vimeo Staff pick sign

Screenshot from Vimeo

Vimeo besides provides you with embed stats such every bit the number of views, total time watched, impressions, the viewers' location, and devices they employ to consume your content.

The embedded Vimeo stats

Screenshot from Vimeo

Unfortunately, this feature becomes helpful but subsequently you publish something on Vimeo. Earlier you begin, you tin use social listening again to reveal who the platform audience is.

In Awario, yous tin can set your industry-related keywords equally alerts and choose Vimeo as a source to browse. The tool shows you the Age, Gender, Location, and Language of people who mention your keywords on the platform. Compare this portrait to your heir-apparent personas to define whether your customers are on Vimeo or not.

Awario dashboard for Vimeo source with details of audience portrait

Find allies on the platform

Finally, you can reach out to influential Vimeo authors for collaboration with them. There are many channels with a large subscriber count on the platform where you can publish your clips.

The Vimeo channel

Screenshot from Vimeo

Equally a quick signal, Awario can aid you find popular Vimeo creators. Analyzing gigabytes of raw information, the tool generates the Influencers report where all pop bloggers, journalists, and creators who mention your make (or your competitors) or industry-related keywords on the web are.

Vimeo influencers report for "Yves Rocher" keyword

Handy tips and tricks for good Vimeo marketing

Vimeo is a niche video hub full of skilled content creators and enervating yet devoted viewers. That is why many marketing techniques that work well on YouTube or TikTok are often not practical to this platform.

Use these approaches instead to get the near out of Vimeo:

  • Aim to loftier-quality video production

High-quality clips are essential for the local community. The viewers are used to watching first-rate content there and prefer channels where they can find it. For everything else, in that location are YouTube and TikTok.

On height of that, the Vimeo staff constantly checks the quality of content that users upload to the platform and bans the junk and low-forehead clips.

You can start with a well-prepared video campaign at that place. Vimeo works best for infomercials, business presentations, and brand storytelling videos. Many major brands — from Sephora and Discord to Audi and Ralph Lauren — adopt this way.

Ralph Lauren x FOSS from Matthew Palmer on Vimeo.

  • Pulverisation your clips with SEO to seduce Google robots

Despite the Google algorithm supporting YouTube clips commencement, you take a chance to have your Vimeo content indexed by its robots and elevation-ranked in SERP. To hit the goal, you lot need to optimize each piece of content you upload to the platform.

The Vimeo pros recommend keeping the titles of your clips tricky yet descriptive. Add search queries and relevant keywords to them. It helps robots and users to find your content fast and easily.

For example, these video tutorials Rufai Ajala made for Vogue have concise and SEO-optimized titles. It works perfectly in combination with bonny thumbnails.

The Vimeo clips

Screenshot from Vimeo

Any video on Vimeo has a description that you tin also improve with a compression of SEO magic. Do non hesitate to add links to your social pages and website there.

The description section is in Vimeo

Screenshot from Vimeo

Besides, you can add a video transcription that gives Google robots more information well-nigh your prune to clamber and makes your content more than accessible for viewers.

  • Use other pop channels for promotion

Many users still perceive Vimeo as a professional, not entertaining video platform. It means you tin't rely on its popularity itself, as in the instance of YouTube, trying to grab the attending of your customers. On the other paw, it provides you with creating and uploading top-quality clips. All you need is to build a well-designed strategy for their promotion.

Any Vimeo clip, including alive streams, can exist embedded anywhere across the spider web. Moreover, you tin can publish these videos natively to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. The latter, by the way, does not tolerate Vimeo links at all, preferring organic content.

Also, you can publish your branded Vimeo content such equally tutorials, client testimonials, or About company clips on your website built on Shopify, WordPress, Squarespace, and other popular website building platforms.

Finally, you can catechumen your prune to GIFs and employ them in e-mail campaigns.

  • Keep your viewers engaged

Vimeo marketing features enable yous to add some interactivity to your clips. You can customize the final screen with links to other videos, links to your website, shop, or social networks. Likewise, calculation telephone call-to-deportment is available. Thank you to integrations with Hubspot, Marketo, Keap, and other marketing software, you can collect contact data from your leads in the player.

End screen in Vimeo clips

Screenshot from

Concluding words

You can care for Vimeo like YouTube for professionals. Nonetheless, the chief idea behind Vimeo is it is primarily a multitask video marketing tool, and just after that, a video hosting and creators' community. Past perceiving the platform that mode, you will realize its strengths and use this discovery to your brand's advantage.


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